Sunday, March 4, 2012


When my sister and I were growing up, we always HATED leftovers for dinner.
Any time my mom said the "dreaded words"...LEFTOVERS...we cringed. came up with her own terminology for leftovers.
One day, when she was planning to serve sister and I asked the question all moms dread love hearing, "What's for dinner mom?"
Mom came up with a brilliant new word.
She turned and said to us, "We are having 'Musgo' for dinner."
My sister and I were baffled.
We wondered what it could be!
A new recipe?
A casserole perhaps?
Turns out, mom wasn't saying 'Musgo' at all.
She was saying, "MUST-GO".
When we asked her what she was talking about, she said...
"Everything in the frig MUST GO!"
This was her new way of telling us we were having leftovers and cleaning out the frig.
Oh yay...NOT.
And that is what I have titled these cookies.
These are my "MUST-GO" cookies.
I had quite a few containers of leftover royal icing from other projects that I needed to use up.
I had leftover cookies in the freezer from other orders.
They are nothing special.
I was just playing around really.
Maybe instead of the boring old "Must-Go" title that my sister and I will ever hate...I should give them a prettier name.
Perhaps..."Bold & Bright"?
Well, whatever you wanna call them...
I used up all the "leftovers" and they made for a tasty dessert.  Ha!

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